Monday, February 14, 2011

Big Eyed World

My eyes are still adjusting to the sun, I find myself continually squinting to see this new beauty that is around me. I sure am glad to be squinting. I have just traveled from Clyde Park, Montana to Wrightwood, California where I will be resting my head for a little while. I left one beautiful place for another, but instead of it being negative 30, I am sitting at the local Coffee shop basking in 60 degree weather. I don't know how I got so lucky to be out here but I plan on taking full advantage of the place I am in. Life is good once again.

I am not only surrounded by physical beauty but I am among the people that I love once again. Not to say that I didn't leave Montana with a heavy heart, I left behind a brother in Brad and some other great friends that I know will last a long time. When Brad hugged me goodbye at the airport it wasn't a goodbye as most people would put it, rather a simple "I'll see ya later, love you man." I know that those words were the truth but I do hope that it is sooner rather than later. As I left him I knew I was flying to another brother in Jackson. It's good to be around him again so soon after leaving Asheville, neither of us expected it to happen so fast but I can only speak for myself in saying that I am glad to be around him again. There are still things left to learn from that guy.

The fact that I am so lucky to be here has not been lost on me. I am going to take full advantage of this place that I am in and live for everyone that is to afraid to. I am excited about all of the things that I am going to learn from this place. I am going to approach this new lifestyle with a new maturity with the hopes of continuing to grow up. I love everyone who made it possible for me to get here. Thanks to my family as well for always putting up with me. I love you all. I approach this new beginning with my eyes as wide as they can be, despite the sun.