Sunday, March 10, 2013


It's time to take a journey together, as I glance back I see the smile break through as you try to hold onto your last breathe. I think it's simply a time to grow with one another as your imagination shows you the road that lies ahead. The anxiety builds up inside as your feet lift up and start to glide across that freshly paved road. As you float away the sky turns grey and the softest snow bathes the sidewalk turning the ground into a virgin landscape. How can I follow you down this road and disturb such a vulnerable beauty. You don't glance back, instead you turn into a piercing light that envelops my soul before I am able to reach you.

I try to recall the moment when your journey drifted away from mine. It must have been the night when the music tore you away from the bitterness of your youth. A wave of stereo-phonics broke into your world creating a rejuvenating purpose to your life. I sat back and watched you move with a unique understanding of the music that was carrying you away, all I could do was watch you become the ocean of people. The waves moved as if they were hypnotized by a boasting full moon, but instead it was the music casting down rays of light that rocked the people back and forth.  I can no longer make you out in the crowd as you wash around on the dance floor. No time for a fare thee well, I don't have my life jacket to follow you out there so you slowly fade away.  Whatever happened to that final goodbye before your sails were set for sea to see the celestial sights that were created for our eyes to witness together? 

The proverbial fork in the road has been crossed, I chose the streets and treetops while you floated in a sea of tranquility through a cold winter storm. People always seem to choose the things they understand best so why should we be any different? All we can do now is think of one another as distant memories and nothing more. Distant memories that will soon be replaced by a new first kiss, a new sunset and a new first night spent up all night just talking. It won't be the same, but a refreshingly new tingle will once again travel up and down your spine. The memories that were once so cherished now slip away into the darkness just as the photos will collect dust and lose their resolution. I don't blame the journey, but I do envy the fearlessness of your ambitions to conquer those obstacles it places before you. 

This journey has found it's conclusion on the top of a mountain as I watch the trees melt underneath the heat of the day. I watch the sky display images of your future in the lights where the music never stops. You dance away with the setting sun as it lays the trees to sleep, tucking them away under the sheets of midnight's darkness. I look away for the last time, I know you will enjoy the beats of life while I seek the streets that feels best underneath my feet.