Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sunsets in The San Gabriel's

Up in the top of a White Fur having just squeezed through the branches that presented themselves as a challenging obstacle. At the top you get that distinct aroma of nature swimming against the current into your senses. It's a cool crisp morning, your breath still comes out of your mouth wanting to be seen. Ice and snow still cover most of the trails below, just a reminder of the winter that doesn't want to end. The sun is slowly crawling across the sky letting itself be known, it finally feels like it's here to stay.

Slowly down climbing, now the hikes and the journeys of the day are getting ready to begin. Carrying things from there to here while lizards scamper around dodging a toe here or a heel there. Man made steel on the shoulders while trudging along a game trail. It seems fitting and natural to stay to these paths. Rock formations are now poking their faces up through the snow providing a new picture of the landscape. Tan pine needles begin to surface as well, begging to catch fire to restore that natural order to these mountains. But we persist or resist, but it will happen. These mountains carry stories that have been forgotten and swallowed up by an ever growing, consuming littering society.

Mid day now shaded by some oaks which in return is shaded by a 120 ft Ponderosa, thanks big guy. A breeze starts a dance in the treetops which keeps a soothing rhythm as it passes over the mountain side. Doug Fur now bearing down across the shoulders as if Jesus Christ himself. With each step feeling steeper and sweat beading down your forehead, one forgets about the beauty that they are lucky to experience. Resting now on a suitable root that will provide enough of a seat to keep you from getting pulled down the unforgiving terrain.

There is no call for the end of the day, just the fading sunlight that reminds you of the bed awaiting you at home. Packing up the days work preparing for the walk ahead, rubbing out the soreness in the shoulders. Walking down the man made path this time with battery powered gadgets on the back feeling like an ass in the biblical times. The steps are lighter going down hill and the breeze is now shifting to the sturdy bases of these trees. Feel it passing over your face pushing strands of hair in every direction. Turn the corner on the trail and now your eyes are hypnotized by the different colors of paint that have spilled across the sky. The darkest pink surrounded by a vibrant orange, with shades of electric red splitting the colors up. Shades of magenta outline the colors setting off the dark blue backdrop as if it were a carpet being rolled out for the approaching full moon. Paused at a clearing looking over the mountains into the now red desert. These colors have now poured onto the earth and into your very skin, all you have to do is look around. Its the end of the day now, its time for the moon to have its fun.

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