Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sipping the light

Sittin next to the waves busting onto the coast with the sun catching the sand on fire. The mountain town is at my back and I'm looking forward to the salty air that won't escape my lungs, as long as my memories hold on tight. You know how the story goes, it's just me an ole Jack, E already put that down but I'm gonna try to live it as if he were here with us. Actually he is here with us cause the passion he lives with, we are always trying to master. The sun is setting now as we walk out into the night. What should we do! Where should we go next? The beach looks inviting. I could dance to that rhythm. We could try to converse with those lovely ladies. But first we should walk up these steps and quench our thirst and start the evening off with some billiards. "Yup! That's exactly what we should do!"

Time passes while the thirst is slowly getting satisfied. Frustrated by a shot thats missed here or celebrated by a shot that's made there. Alright it's time to move on down the street. Sitting on an island on the sidewalk. Cars passing us by and my eyes do not deceive when a bike with pedals passes us by with his engine roaring. We laugh without reason at the simple fact thats been imprinted on our minds, hipsters riding the new "in" bike. Ha. We sit down grooving to some good old blues music! A man past his prime letting it go on the guitar while his lead man stands up on a table. The mic is held close to his mouth down by his knees. He now knows that all the eyes in the room are only on him. It's time to shine. My mind now goes to wonderment and the curious thoughts of wondering what the spotlight feels like? I am not ready for those soft glowing watts. I'll just let him stay there and sing his downbeat tunes captivating the eager crowd.

"Street walkin baby!" The night continues on! The moon is now a waxing sliver giving off a lot more light than it should whilst that size. It's nice the way it makes that Pacific look. It's darker than the sky, midnight black with some rolling snow crashing into the shore on a specific pattern. No joke!

I am standing in a crowd of people wherever I go in this town. The typical fanni-pack wielding, Coach sporting, freshly crewed hair tipped individuals who make up the Southern Californian coast. They all gather at this watering hole while the gate keepers keep those fresh young minds out of Hell's Kitchen. "Oh well." They all say while the splendid evening continues on. Now the lights indoor rival that eloquent moon that's still traveling across the sky with plenty of confidence. Everybody is out tonight enjoying this lovely light! Why not?

The light sets off all different styles and moods. In this evening the streets haves been walked, the floors have been stomped and the palate has been satisfied and quenched. Walking home now wondering, " Why in the night sky are the lights hung"?

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