Thursday, July 21, 2011

Walk towards Inspiration

I wake up early in the morning. Much earlier than I should be on my day off. Jackson has just slammed the door behind him getting ready for the to short of a drive to work. April is walking around downstairs, as is customary she pauses at the entertainment center contemplating what music genre should start off her day. She chooses. Her day now starts as she walks to the kitchen and opens up her computer. I am still upstairs resting four inches above the floor. I sit up as the sun creeps into the loft swimming slowly over the banister. I step slowly and carefully down the spiral staircase into the living room. I am greeted by a smiling sleepy-faced April. She just gives me a slight laugh and asks me if I want some coffee. Sure.  

April is now steadily hurrying to get ready for work. I am sitting at the counter with the sun washing over my back. The coffee is heating up my morning way to quickly. I feel the coffee moving through my veins bringing my body temperature to a roasting 99.6 degrees. I decided on no more coffee for now, but a book would do just nicely. I spread out on the couch  as April's once slow morning had developed into a heel to toe race from the carpet to the linoleum. Dressing for work while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She heads out the door with a twenty-five minute walk ahead of her. I rise to my feet and go get dressed. The upstairs is now so hot that I can barely stand to be up there, the lower the better I always say. 

My morning now turned to noon time and I begin to feel trapped in this house and in this town. I have to get out. I make a sure decision and put on some shoes, grab Garrison's headphones he so generously left and I head out the door. I walk out and head left on Flume Canyon. The Sun is directly over my head. I am walking down this now familiar street that was once up to my waist in snow. Glad that winters over. The dogs begin to bark and howl as if I am a trespasser on this street that they have only seen from their balconies. So loud and obnoxious! If only you could run around this beautiful terrain like you were really meant to. Letting nature, who knows best, choose to take care of you or cast you aside. 

I have now reached highway 2 and I choose to take another left but not before walking across the street to be on the south facing slopes for a change. I stop and put my headphones in and look up at the bike path ahead. I start walking on the blacktop which is radiating heat that I can feel through the soles of my shoes. The walk begins with my mind pacing just like that heel to toe race I saw earlier in the kitchen. This time the race doesn't end on the linoleum but keeps circling the tracks in my mind. I need to start walking and stop thinking. 

Cars and motorcycles alike are speeding past me with my back towards them. I decide that its probably in my best interest to turn my music down so I can hear the traffic at my back. I have now been walking for awhile and I realize that I didn't bring anything to drink. Oh well. I turn right onto no road for a little bit. I am contouring the southern slopes, it feels a lot hotter on this side of the mountains with no major trees shade to hide under. I quickly decide that this contouring isn't worth my time right now, I was having flashbacks to work and the unforgiving terrain in which we work. Back down to the blacktop I decide. The walk continues with each step taking me further away from the hells and bells that seem to ring in that small quaint little town.  

I can feel my walk coming to an end. My legs are beginning to weigh heavy on me, giving my thoughts a run for their money in weight. My mind is exhausted with analyzing, stereotyping and criticizing. It feels as if the tires on the track are starting to get a little bare. They are peeling and sliding across the pavement slipping with every hard turn they have to make. Yea, the walk is coming to an end. I arrive at a point in which everything is revealed. I look out over the sun covered mountains and sit down on a rock. What an amazing scene it is to see the tops of trees soaked with the sunlight while they cast magnificent shadows down onto the mountain side. The dirt and rock slide down being pushed by some animal using this steep mountain as a playground while they live their lives. It seems so simple at this point. I stand up and take off my shirt and lay in the sun. The wind is blowing a calming breeze to my heavy legs and mind. I can't sit still. I stand up and look out at the mountains one more time. I turn left and start walking home. 

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