Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Power of Imagination

That song got me thinking of you again. What this song truly portrays is an ability to escape with a few unnoticed footsteps. It's funny to think about? Remember that one night it was only us under the stars? It is so hard to understand why things have gone this way. I am not going to lie you have had me scared  in a way that is unknown to me. All I know is the chills that are traveling through my entire body are instructed by only you.

I remember a time now spent all alone by the ocean side. Standing barefoot  as the ocean swam over my feet while the sunset turned the water to an electric blood red. It reminds me of all my friends that have been robbed of longer lives. The song continues to play. I recall a not to distant night spent anticipating you. My imagination was captivated and taken to a place that only you could create. It is so sensual living in a world that you molded with your own hands entirely for me. My feet carry me further into the water until the waves are splashing all around my waist. It seems that my intentions are misunderstood daily because of my inability to let people in. What's reassuring is that you grasp the method to my unrelenting mind that only my father can truly understand.

The song is now at the climax swimming through my veins providing nutrients for my soul. "So selfish  then will be their cry and who'd be brave to argue, doing what two people need is never on the menu." I am now fully submerged kicking around underneath this golden ocean. Currents pulling my body in every which way only by your design. The chaos that is all around me is slowly conducted by my memories of you. I hold my breath and sink down so that I am sitting on the sand leading to the depths of the ocean. How am I suppose to believe that this is real? Time is spent contemplating whether I have dreamt this up or do you really know who you are?

The song has come to it's conclusion. I swim to the surface and take a cleansing breath of the ocean air. I sit down on the sand as the sun finally sinks over what seems to be a never ending horizon. The water is now a midnight blue as the breeze wraps around me like a natural blanket drying off my body. Do you remember that night I watched the sunset thinking about you? It's probably better that you don't. I lay on my back and look at a starless night. It's to late for all of that. I left but I am already lost. It's time to retire my thoughts and hit the repeat button.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I didn't read it all the way the first time. I just did just now. And I think I get it a little better.
